
An Open Letter to My Non-Christian Friends

Hi Friend, In the wake of Charlottesville, my heart is grieved. The world and the people in it seem to be getting worse and worse… and worse. Whenever I turn on my TV or pick up my phone, the news is absolutely painful. There has been a recent shooting of an unarmed boy. A zealous… Continue reading An Open Letter to My Non-Christian Friends

Faith, Lifestyle

Flip the Script

Have you ever been in a situation where someone wronged you and for the rest of that day (or week), all you could do was replay the situation in your head over and over again? And if you're anything like me, you'd even find yourself listing all the things you could have said in that… Continue reading Flip the Script

Faith, Lifestyle

When You Feel Stuck: Practical tips to get through any challenge

I have plenty of stories to tell you about me getting lost because it ALWAYS happens. So, here I go. My most recent adventure: I got lost in midtown Manhattan while on an errand to pick up a package for the company I intern at. I had already visited all the other locations I was… Continue reading When You Feel Stuck: Practical tips to get through any challenge


God Used My Tooth to Teach Me a Lesson

Yesterday, I had the great honor of experiencing my first root canal procedure. For weeks, I researched the procedure online so I could better prepare myself for my special day. This is all sarcasm, of course. I was not looking forward to the moment at all. I had actually heard many horror stories about root… Continue reading God Used My Tooth to Teach Me a Lesson


Reckless Faith

  I want to tell you a story about a woman who once lost everything, yet she never lost her faith. Her father in law died. Her brother in law died. Her husband died. And so, she could no longer remain where she was. She could either return home to the familiar or she could… Continue reading Reckless Faith